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Thursday 8 October 2015

Hilarious joke: Drunken twins(Funny must read)


One hot sunny day somewhere in Tunisia, two young men were sitting in a bar, drinking some chilled beer,when one of them turns to the other and says "You see that young man over there looks just like me! I think I'm gonna approach him and talk to him." So, he walks over to the man and taps him on the shoulder and says:

 "Excuse me sir,dont be offended, i noticed you look exactly like me!"
The second man turns around and replies him:
 "Yeah, I also noticed the same thing,please who are you and were are you from?",
First man answers:  "I'm from Tunis",
Second man : "Me too! What street in Tunis,do you live on?",
First man: " La Goulette street",
Second man replies, "Me too! What number is it?",
First man announces, "92",
Second man shocked says, "Me too! What are your parents names?",
first man replies, "Rahev and Matar",
second man awestruck says, "Mine too! This is incredibly unbelievable!"

So, they buy some more beer and continued chatting.After a while the bartenders change shifts. The new bartender comes in and goes up to the other bartender and asks
"What's new today?"
Old bartender replies: "Oh,its the Raheem twins,they are drunk again."

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