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Saturday 3 October 2015

Lafta Weekend from Africamustlaugh: Lie detector robot(Must Read)

A young man bought a Lie detector robot that slaps and smacks people who lie. He then decided to test it on his own family during lunch:Here is ho it plays out...

DAD : Son where did you go today during school hours?
SON : Dad i was at school (robot slaps the boy and then he immediately changes his mind) Okay dad,I went to the movies!
DAD : Which one of the movies?
SON : Harry Potter (robot slaps Son again!) Okay am sorry dad it was just porn.
DAD : What the hell? When I was young i never knew porno! (robot turns and slaps dad)
MUM : hahahahaha! What do you expect after all he is your Son! (robot turns to Mum and gives her a very dirty slap)
lol.......Thanks for reading...pls share and comment

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